Will We Ever Get It

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

United through division

And the hatred
Shoved down
Our fucking throats
On such a daily basis
We wouldn't know
Individual thought

If our lives depended on it

Which they do
Not that we get it
Me and you

So lost we are
Fallen far
In the so called life
We are barely
Able to struggle through
Grasping at straws we are
To find anything

That is truly true

Will we ever get it
Will we ever
Let ourselves see
Our true reality
Before it's too late
And we all meet our ends
Because of it

Verse 2

Lies and excuses
For why
Shaping our very lives
To the point of leaving
Us all so blind
We have become
Nothing more than
A hate filled hive mind
So convinced our
Madness is right
We are no longer capable
Of listening to reason
A former president
Praising Hitler 
And pulling shit so wrong
It should be treason
We look at him and call him God
The prodigal son
Come to save us
But who will save us
From ourselves




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