Justice Served

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Pointing fingers
Placing blame
Come now darling

Two can play
At that game
Hate on me
Simply for being
My turn honey
All the madness you see

As little old me
Oh that is little old you
Me oh my 

What now are you to do
Never thinking

Anything through
You shouldn't judge

If you can't take

Others judging you

Who are we to judge
While fighting
Being judged
Come now

That's not how that works
Suck it up
And brace yourself
As justice is brilliantly served

Verse 2
From the truth
You can't
Oh no not today
It comes for you
And with a vengeance too
Played with lives

While paying no mind
To what was right in
Front of you
Willfully blind
Living with
Closed eyes
And minds
Seeing only your side
Insisting you are right
While to others
Never listening
Your justice
Will be particularly



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