The Cycle Continues

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Dizzying mayhem
Woken up to
Once again
Confused and abused
Constantly being used
In a daze
We power through
Wishing we knew
Just what to do
With our heads down
We just hope
We don't again
Get screwed
Sanity reserved
Only for 
The select few
We look to the heavens
Screaming for a fucking clue

Fried and sick

Of this ride
Screaming to 
Be let off

Just make it stop 

The cycle continues
As the day starts a new

Verse 2

Promising peace
And pipe dreams
Just as long as our
Very own souls
We don't mind selling
To the highest bidder
And best liar 
Just waiting throw
Us all beneath them
Into the fire
When of us 
They eventually tire
Until then at their mercy
We keep living 
As everything we do
Never seems to be working
As more and more
The end starts calling


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