A Stand For Something Better

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Fed up 
With the bullshit
Thrown at them

On a daily

Fucking basis
The dreamers
Too strong
To let themselves sink

Along with the others
Finally learn to swim
Against the toxic current
Constantly beating

Them down
With the new power
They have found
Taking a stand
As one they scream

No more

Sick and tired
Of waking 
Up daily
To insanity
Against this madness
We will march
Until society needs

To cry
For something better
No longer 

Verse 2
Day after day
With humanity
Fading farther
And farther away
With each 
Making no sense
And yet it is
The so called truth
We keep
Fucking going with
As sanity
Seems more and more
Like a wish
That just doesn't exist
Enough is enough
We just won't put up
With the bull shit 
Or shut up about it
Any more
We have a better future
To fight for


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