Our Corrupt Society

Song Lyrics

Verse 1




When it comes

To societies



Is driving me

And everybody

Fucking crazy


And corrupt politics

Running the world

We have lost

Control of

So long ago

Exactly how long

We just don't know

And yet so many

In our society

Today still willing

Just to go 

With the damn flow


A society lost

In it's own insanity

Believing nothing

But it's own lies

Always screaming why

Living blind

Never caring

Or truly owning

Up to its own faults

We are a never ending

Failure of the lies

We continue

To be taught



Verse 2

Day after day
More and more 
To feel 
Nothing but shame
While lying to ourselves
That everyone else
But our own 
Damn selves
Are the ones
To fucking blame
And we are the ones
Who are truly ok
When ok is not
A thing that exists
In society at all today
Shootings after shootings
Violence leading
To more and more
Violence and bullshit
That comes with it
Children starting school again
With parents scared to death
For all of them
If this is the country
We fucking dreamed of
Then since fucking when?!



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