Not Here To Sugar Coat

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Sick of a world
That just 
Doesn't get it
I am the artist
The poet
Who refuses
To ever sugar coat 
I will not
Hold my tongue
When it comes
To things that
Need to be said 
Society needs
A wake up call
Not to be coddled

Love me 
Or hate me

Don't really

Give a fuck
I will still 
Keep it up
So society 
Either put up
Or shut up
Because I 
Will not hesitate
To say what
Needs to be said
No matter what
You think or 
Say about it

Verse 2
Do I piss you off
Do I make you think
Do I make you feel
Things about which
You would rather
Not think
Do I wake you up
When you would

Rather sleep
Do I shatter 
Your precious 
Bubble of lies
That is your reality
Do I worry you
Do I inspire you
Or maybe 
A little

Of both


Verse 3
Bottom line folks
I do not exist
Just to sugar coat
You want happy lies
Look somewhere else
I write and speak truth

And nothing
No nothing else
Can't take it?
Then be a sheep
A puppet on a string
But if it's truth

That you seek
It's your lucky day
Welcome my friend
You have come
To the right place




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