The Death That Started The Fall

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

Shots rang out
All those years ago
And shook the world

To its core 
John Lennon
The rebel Beatle

Was suddenly

No more
The world lost a hero
Humanity lost its soul
Going out of control
In a downward spiral
We won't admit
Is even happening
All that he taught us
Have we really
Forgotten everything

Oh dear Johnny
Why did you 
Have to go
The world still needs
A hero
No peace left
And so little hope
Your death was
Nothing short of 

The beginning
Of the fall

Verse 2
You preached love
We live in hate
You taught us to
Imagine a better day
We bitch and fight
Our lives away
You dared us to dream
And taught us peace
We live for destruction
Mayhem and tragedy
Wars we should not be in
We still try 
To justify
While in the meantime

Our presence
Has created it's own need
What the fuck
Were we thinking


Verse 3
Everything we were

Because of you

Died with you

Though better

We knew
Yes dim
The world grew

And we let it
Happen too
And since then
Have been
Royally screwed
War and madness

A world full of sadness

Yes a world with out you
Has been utterly tragic





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