Verse 1
Imagine a world
That doesn't take
Itself for granted
A society that
Pitches in to help
Instead of bitching
That the work
Is never being done
By somebody else
Imagine a world
The believes
In itself
And never doubts
That things will get better
As long as we work together
Can you imagine it
Can you
Imagine that
A world finally
Back on track
Working hand in hand
As brothers and sisters
Instead of fighting each other
Constantly as enemies
Imagine that
A world worth living in
And a society we can
Actually be proud of
A world finally
Able to live as one
Verse 2
Imagine no more countries
Yes no more cities
With dead children
Lining their streets
No more missiles
Killing innocent people
Launched by their own
Just looking for power
No more governments
Getting away with shit
Just to get away with
And gain power from it
Imagine no more refugees
Dying on their way
To freedom
Imagine no more families
With little ones taken
By war to grieve
Verse 3
Imagine aworld
In which acceptance
Is not a question
But a given
A world that learns from
Each others differences
Not hates because of them
A world where the teachers
Are also the students
And everyone
Understands that
We all have something
To teach each other
Yes we all have
Something to offer
And we should embrace that
Instead of runaway from it