Thank You Randy Rhoads

Randy Rhoads
A guitarist
Like no other
One that
Many have
Learned from
But will never

Come close to being
His guitar wasn't
Just an extension
Of his very being

But an extension
Of his very soul
And even that
Doesn't come close

To describing
His brilliance
Dragged Ozzy
Out the darkness
After Sabbath
Gave him something
To believe in
Kept him going
His best friend
And brother
In every sense
Of both words
I swear without him
Ozzy would have

Most likely
Faded before I was born
So today Randy Rhoads
I celebrate you
Your brilliance

And the wonderful
Ozzy filled awesomeness
That never would have happened
If you hadn't
So thank you Randy
And may you never 
Cease to be an inspiration
To guitarists everywhere

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