The universe is
One big lie
We fight ourselves
And don't know why
Power, greed,
Money, social status
All mean somehow
More to us
Than our fellow man
Power somehow
Is everything
And somehow
We actually think
That when we
Acheive the
Ultimate power
We somehow
Won't be alone
But news flash
When you alienate
And piss off
Just to get ahead
All you have
Is yourself
And at that point
Is pretty
And ugly
But hey you
Have riches
And fancy shit
So it's worth it right?
Is it
I mean is it really
If you ask me
It is better
To be rich
In friends
And family
Than in gold
Or money
Because riches
And fame
Can be fleeting
But family and
The right friends
Are forever
And I would take that
Over anything else
Any day