We Are Who We Are

We are
Who we are
And of it
You bet your ass
We're proud
From our own paths
You can't make
Us stray
No we won't change
Even for

Scratch that
Especially for you 
Who can't even admit

That even you 
Don't live 
For or as

The true you
And only
Look to control us

To make up for

The fact someone else

Is controlling you 
We don't want 
Your rules

No we won't be screwed
You can take

Your orders

And shove 
The fuck out of them
For all we care
We won't follow them

Or you

We are
Who we are

Not just some


Sheep for 
You to tell
Who to be

And it is ourselves
We will happily lead
Right to the dreams
That depsite you

One way
Or another
We will see
So come get us

If you dare
We will fight back
Without fear
While our words

You try to silence

Will still and forever
Be heard
Here, there,
And everywhere



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