The Corruption Of Justice


Corrupted cops
Killing innocents
And yet

The powers
That be
Just can't seem
To see how big
Of a problem
It really is
Witch hunt
And trials
Filled with
Deceit and lies
That always
Spell trouble

For the poorest
Of people

And those
Who dare

To be different
Innocent men
To life in prison

While guilty ones
Get off
For being

To rich for prison
Innocent men
Being found guilty

By juries

Never given
The chance
To know better
Then sentenced
To death
By judges
Too corrupt
To care
And yet still
The powers
That be
Always seem
To see nothing
But here's a thought
That to everyone
Should be scary
Maybe its not
So much
That the
Powers that be

Are too blind to see
Maybe it's that their
Own corruption
Really does also
Run that deep


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