
The moon smiles vibrantly upon the lake,

As the water lazily laps against the shore.

A breeze caresses leaves and causes them to shake,

As the frigid night air chills to the core.

Shadows drift along the ground,

Trees creek and moan,

Feet tread along the sand without a sound,

As a heart bleeds silently all alone,

The silhouette’s frame comes into view,

Tall, slender, elegant, and smooth.

Emerging into the moonlight his features adorned in light of blue,

His silver mane drapes mostly down his back save but a few.

Those silver strands of ethereal beauty frame a solemn face,

While thin eloquent lips part moistly upon the air.

He seeks to breath in the atmosphere of this ill begotten place,

As his enigmatic eyes drink up the scene he stands still as death and continues to stare.

Life ebbs away yet he remains the same,

Something less than alive and more than dead.

Why did this happen and who is to blame?

Memories are clouded by an ever engulfing fog within his head.

Is this half-life worth living,

Waking with the moon and sleeping with the sun.

Existing with lonelness and destatude as the gifts that keep on giving,

With hope being drowned out and life becoming the personification of "none".

The solem night surrounds the man in black,

as he searches his soul for a shred of salvation.

Dawn breaks upon the horizon and he is called back,

fading away to the void as his thoughts find nothing but lamentation...

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