He no longer names the cows
Or chases dreams
Across the empty green pastures.
Those barn doors were closed long ago.
The rusted dust blew the blue away
Beyond the Missouri sky.
Now he lives his lives lost
Down that hole in the horizon
The broken boy fallen
To the bottom of the abandoned well
Where the demons drowned oh so many many years ago.
But he still remains, blinded
Hurting, struggling, believing the hole is whole.
Still feeling the fall, the bruises
The senses filled up with a bitter sauce.
A constant overflow.
But now, the wind is up...the rope attainable.
The muddy water no longer floods his mind.
Now, look to the pinpoint in the darkness
Now see the signs of the true sky,
A clear path through the molted stones.
Now, boy, now look, now see, now
You must want to feel the sunshine again.
Now, boy
Now, climb.