You Will Never Win!
You will never win!
Not in this life time, you will,
never win, you walk the wrong line.
You think people want you
as leaders for all?!?
Think again,
cuz' you won't have the Balls,
to stand on two feet,
let alone even one,
you're ignorant, dishonest, and
you will All be Shunned!
You will never win!
people are enraged, you
lack the willpower to ,
You think that Hitler is
so very cool.....
I gotta tell you, he was MiXeD up,
and Uncool!
He didn't know , how to
manage his "own strife",
because this fool, up n' took
his own life!
You will never win! No matter,
what you say, cuz' we're gonna
keep it up, every single day! No
matter how small, no matter
what size, the people will support,
the people will Rise!
Hands across the nation,
holding tight , as tight can be,
praying , wishing, hoping, don't
want a World War III !
Keep your own dark visions , to
yourself -for you be true,
But the rest of us, are marchin',
and we'll be marchin' on past you!
Author's Notes: By lilwinky
Written Thursday October 27th, 2005