Of all the Vampires I've known ,
(and I've known some)
there were many out there,
and they were lonesome,
But, when one came in sight,
I drew back with fright,and I
said"I gotta leave right now!"
You drew me in with your
beautiful eyes,I was captured
by you,by surprise,though,
I wracked my brain, for some
way to explain,all the things
that you're doin' to me....
Bi mir bist du schon,
please let me explain,Bi mir
bist du schon means that
you're grand.
Bi mir bist du schon,again,I'll
explain,it means you're the coolest
in the land.
I could say Bella, Bella ,
even say ut wonderba,
each night with you,I
can see just how grand
you are!
I've tried to explain,
Bi mir bist du schon,
so bite me, and say you'll
Bir mir bist du shon,you've
heard it all before when I tried
to explain...
Bi mir bist du schon, means that
you're grand!
B i mir bist du schon, it's such
an ancient refrain,yet I feel I
should explain-
it means I will let you bite my hand!
I could say Bella (Lugosi),even
say Dracula,each word, I say,
to you,only shows I'm attracted,
it's true!
I've tried to explain,bi mir bist
du schon,so drink me,and say
you'll understand!