Im just a girl,
A girl who almost cheated life.
Held a knife to my throat,
And pulled it straight across.
Im the girl who almost cheated life,
So sweet, careless and alive.
Im just a girl who lied,
Just a girl who died.
Im just a girl,
A girl who almost cheated life.
A girl who doesnt care,
A girl who shall die.
Im the girl who almost cheated life,
Swallowed a bottle of pills,
And slit her own wrists.
Im just a girl that doesnt exist.
The memories that flow,
The ones she tried to escape.
But shes just a girl,
That finally cheated death.
Im just a girl,
And my memories dont exist.
Im just a girl,
Who learned the truth.
Im just a girl that finally cheated death,
Im just that girl who gave it her all.
The truth rose to the surface,
And all hell broke lose.
But Im just that girl,
Who couldnt change the world.
Im just one girl,
Who changed her own life.
So Im just the girl that cheated life,
Not almost,
Not almost but not quite.
But never cheated death, and finally cheated life.