You believed him

2005 poems

Burning bright red,

The threats long over do,

Things use to be better off unsaid.

The bullshit is over, all cuz of you.

Twisted mind games,

Kept me far from sane.

There finally over,

You thought your were clever.

I finally gave up trusting in something I never could,

I finally did exactly what I should.

You tore me apart for the last time,

No more lying and saying its going to be fine.

Nothing is alright, it never has been,

Just took a long time to see,

To make myself hate you to the full extent.

Its not going to be like it use to be.

No more going back to something that hated me,

Ive given up on last chances,

Youll never change and be there for me.

You believed in his games, and twisted apologies.

Do whatever you want, because I wont be there,

Letting go hurts, maybe more than reality,

You let him mentally and physically kill me and all you did was stare.

Youd just look at me, act like it hurt you to see.

It didnt hurt you, did it mom?

Well it hurt me, it hurt a ton.

But you dont care, you never did,

Everything hed done and said.

Yeah, you never cared,

Not that you dared.

But youre my mother, you should have helped,

But no, you just sat back while I dealt.

Ill never forgive you, not again,

You believe his twisted lies,

I cant trust you, not that I ever could.

I just wish you both died.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

*shrugs* it's discribes itself.. it's about my mother betraying me. always.

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