Untitled -- 1.11.2008

woes of the world

the source of fear and deception si the personal loss prevention in all of us; it forms distrust amongst

those who are involved in our everyday lives. we can live next door to someone, a floor above,

a trashcan in an alleyway. no matter where we live we are only concerned at what benefits us in the

longrun. this division makes us who we are today; a society bent upon convenience. with the

commonality of money, we are all slaves to it.

in our needs we forget our rights: voice, choice, power and authority. we've let those who are

"wiser than us" make our decisions for us. in the world of trickle-down economoics, we throw our

voice into a vote up on high in the hopes that the benefits will best us in our time of need. why is

this so?

a collection of people in your immediacy, contributing a set-minimum-and-expandable-donation-for-the-vote.

with our decisions behind EVERY dollar and in the knowledge that the person voting next to you

has the same concerns and needs as yourself.

make businesses pay a proportion-more than an individual; let their donation have no impact on

the size of their voice. all for all and none for one, exist to give your time, not just your money,

in the service of your immediate community.

how do you hook people? show them the benefits of help, not excuses or out-right assistance. allow

community service in a way unparalleled in our time. with the internet and cell phones, we could

provide a level of connectivity unseen.

a vote does not say yes or no, but merely if you wish to contribute your funds towards an effort.

undecided remainders will be put into the Emergency Fund.

limit how much can be given to one person in a set amount of time. show no bias and allow not for

poor judgement. allow only installments and make repayment either in community service time or

in meeting-donations. make payments proportional to their involment-level.

make group sizes under 300 - too many voices, too much arguing. all decisions made in

anonymonity. card-swiping systems, numbers for names.

for emergency assistance, allow a vouching/lie-detector system. work it like any other loan.

work-for-help. work within existing systems. try to combine in a franchise.

C.A.R.D. - Credentials for Application and Reception of Donations

G.O.A.L. - Grand Overall Amount Ledger

allow every person to see where their funds went and the current total of their donation

category at ANY TIME.

make it like a credit-union/college

Author's Notes/Comments: 

it's just an idea

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