Tides of Ripplication

bounding crests and tossing seas

the see-sawing circular waves dance

a sturdy ground without rock or nail

fluidic fashions in motion and trance

the blurring-bushes and bunnies abound

large-eyed deer and twelve-point crowns

an over-paid steed with leadfoot down

drinking the dinosaurs in millions of pounds

a mind lost in fantasy cuts cookie-cutter canvases

into great battles, tweaked-fancies and romances

the child no longer wishes the blur and opts in-reflect

no longer longing for nauseas and the blurs fast-effect

lost at sea due to haste and disregard

the bearings long blurred and cover taken

seas, storms and albatrosses taken aboard

i've plundered the riches and become the poor

i braved great depths and felt the bottom, dredged

uncovered the treasures and ignoring my head

so with fancies and figments of the imagination

i've created a veil to cover the perception

the knight in-peace who asks this new way

estranged to the idleness of steed and stay

wishing for the rush of rescue and dismay

attracted to the call of sirens and 'gulls...

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