The Man

Lyrics and Songs

"The Man"   11 - 8 - 02

The Song Contains the Following:


Indirect God-bashing


I was bored so I counted the lines and stanzas...

This song contains 102 lines; 10 four-line stanzas, 1 six-line stanza, 3 Chorus(6 lines), one 15 and one 16 lined series and the close(7 lines)

1   the mission set before is too much to ask

    the objective, lay before, an impossible task

    here you go tryin to dirgrace my ass

    but all you do is shatter like a piece of glass

5   look at yourself and you patheticness

    you lie to yourself in your happlessness

    cover the scars and wounds in a cloud of bliss

    life flew you by, never knew you missed

    you sit and you sulk in your hopeless hole

10  tryin to redeem yourself and your fallen soul

    but it's too late, can't cut the cake, can't take control

    so you lose yourself in your weed and bowl


    you just dismiss

    all your happlessness

15  in a sea of regrets

    and false hopes n this

    one thing you keep in your mind:

    "You'll Never Be Free Until the End of Time"

    you continue to sulk and regret your wish

20  you realize your false hopes and forgetfulness

    you remember the times when none of this

    could ever happen, would never come to this

    but here you are now in your pit of despair

    losin fast all the light and the thinnin air

25  it's in this moment that all becomes clear

    you'll never be home always with this fear

    you try to dig yourself out of this pit

    try to free yourself of all this shit

    kickin yourself for bein a twit

30  losin the hope and sayin, "To Hell With It!"

    you say to yourself that you're losin your mind

    thinking and sayin this aloud all the time

    but in time it will consume your mind

    makin it real, comin to life in this rhyme

35  you lay all balled up

    crawled into a ball

    ballin about this hell

    this hell is all

    all you think about

40  about all the pain

    the pain is home

    home never again

    again to feel it

    it never leaves you

45  you kick yourself

    you were never true

    true to yourself

    to yourself you lied

    you lied and cried

50  cried hopin you'd die

    Death never came

    never called your name

    your name you scream

    scream with all this pain

55  the pain that remains

    not enough remains

    all of this pain

    it consumes your brain

    your mind is fragile

60  all shaky n weak

    weak from the pain

    pained from this week

    weak from this day

    day is almost away

65  never again to see the light of day


    you just dismiss

    all your happlessness

    in a sea of regrets

    and false hopes n this

70  one thing you keep in your mind:

    "You'll Never Be Free Until the End of Time"

    you lost all hope on this fateful night

    you never were rescued, you never had a Knight

    to save you from night, from this dreadful sight

75  now with no sight, now left to the night

    now it's all over, never meant to be

    this man went blind, never again to see

    the light of day, never a way to navigate this sea

    if only you knew that man wasn't him but me

80  now all you know how i came to be

    now you all see what i did see

    you shared my blindness, my lack of sight

    and how i lost hope on that fateful night


    you just dismiss

85  all your happlessness

    in a sea of regrets

    and false hopes n this

    one thing you keep in your mind:

    "You'll Never Be Free Until the End of Time"

90  i laid it down for you to interpret

    please don't be gentle just say it and work it

    in your mind, run it over again and again

    think about it everytime that you say "Amen"

    because i never say that to the Big Man

95  who thought my life wasn't above His damn Plan

    you just dimiss...

    (just dismiss)

    lies and bliss..

    (all your sinfulness)

100 can't come to this...


102 can't believe it came to this....

EMINEM was a major influence on this one: I just got back from seeing '8 Mile' and I couldn't shake the rhymes--kick ass movie btw

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ty for EMINEMs

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