the stranger


There is this stranger in my past, he appears in my future.

He was there at birth but that was it .

He left by Christmas and barely returned . Every now

and then he came by to get a hug but then left again.

“Learned to forgive”

That’s what they would say.

“He’s sick don’t worry he loves you” can’t count

how many times I heard that one.

You see it’s hard to feel love when you can’t see

a ounce of it.

He donated sperm to bring me into our world.

But then drank to take himself

out of mine

“He doesn’t know how much pain he has cause because

of his so-called illness but he is hurting

from the amount he knows of.”

I’m sorry for being selfish

but I don’t buy it.

He never gave support and I don’t care

about the money!

I play softball and he doesn’t even care, he didn’t see

any of my singles, doubles, or my  triple.

I learned to ride a bike by

my brothers.

He wasn’t the one who has feed me for the past nine

years, he wasn’t the one who gave me clothing,

and wasn’t the one who was there to help


That was that woman ...

My mother, my father, and my superwoman.

Worked hard for years even when you

were here.

Cared for others before herself, waited patiently for you to get better

before she came to know that won’t happened.

I know she think she has failed, but I know she hasn’t.

I know this because no matter

how depressed I cause

myself to be,

It’s her face I see in my head

and then I stop myself from scaring

up my arm.

She is the real Superwoman , she made her

way from a broken hearted ex-wife

to a strong ass woman one of

the strongest I have ever seen .

That stranger of mine will always be there, and maybe one day I’ll

learn to actually care for him  not today though.

See he will always be there but she will always be here.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My mom is a true superhero

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