Black Warrior

Come to me my children, for I

am the black warrior. And I will

tell you everything you need to know

For truly I say to you, all the things that

you believed in were lies

I shall expose these monstrosities one by one

If you should choose to listen, then you will know the

truth, ripe on its branch

              waiting to be felt by your forgotten hands

You must know, your Lord and Savior is a myth

May we bury his story along with the rest of the

gaps in history

May we burn our crosses and eat our bibles, for it is

not blashemy

                  it is our human right

And may you know that this government is blowing

smoke into our eyes

Whispering its sweet nothings, all the while behind its

closed doors it is screaming and reeking of tyranny

Yes! Tyranny!

And we dance like the puppets without strings that we are

We are devouring ignorance like peppermint candy, our

brains under our deaf feet

Not knowing that this whole establishment is a

closet peeping Tom, just waiting to knife you in the throat

Unless, you do what you are told

So may we know.

And may we flock together as one, conforming blindess into


        and knowledge into weapons

       lest we drown in the pool of uncertainty

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