I Might Commune

Main Work

The palette of Your pale body--
    which we fingerpainted purple
    when we crushed the skin
    for sweetest wine
    we will here consume--
This white round body between
two fattened fingers folds,
Your skin swooned white as snow
against our Flesh burned the hue of forbidden

Can I swallow
The fingertips I wished to kiss,
The toes I wished to wash,
and let them sink to the fire
at my core--
let holiness melt on my tongue
and Blood burn
all the way

Masaccio's Messiah is frail and pale;
He looks on my blood-blistered Flesh
And frowns
While I drink full of Him
but hold none of Him;
I leave the dinner table

between Roman nights and Middle Eastern mornings,
a man shreds bread
and sips wine
and breaks Death's fingers
at the knuckle
with hands the color
of the amber tombs
of insects.]

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reflecting on communion, specifically on my own questions and issues with the idea of transubstantiation.

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