A Letter To Fear


For the eyes of my fear

To see and contemplate:

A letter

To address matters of concern:

First this: why me?

Though I should not ask it

I will

I am

And I will brace for the answer

Why was I chosen to abandon confidence

And sink, albeit comfortably,

Altogether too comfortably,

Into a little corner inside myself

And deem only this as safe?

And next, sir, this: how long will you stay?

Though you brought me pillows

Of down and silk to lay on

Far from the unforgiving world

I grow weary of your presence

And of you keeping me

Within the bubble of my fragile security

I tire of being always

Unsure of myself



Too Long Been Yours,


Author's Notes/Comments: 

First of two a series of two poems. Originally this was all one document, not written as a poem, that included this letter and Fear's reply. It was written for a writing prompt. The name Angeli is put in at the end because I do not wish to have my real name there.

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