I Come From A Place..

I come from a place of tears and hate
Black and blue bruises show just how irate
CRASH! Falls a body onto the ground
The elders hit like the drummers pound
Wailing voices rhyme with cacophonous noises
Where no one can wait to be free like a bird
Somewhere, sometime, so we will be heard
Because we're people too, we're people too
I come from a place where freedom isn't true
Where you're put down just for being you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

English assignment. Each line had to be something specific:

1. "I come from a place..."
2. Include two colors.
3. Include a sound related to the place.
4. Include a simile/metaphor.
5. Include an internal rhyme.
6. Include a symbolic animal.
7. Include alliteration.
8. Include repetition.
9. "I come from a place..."
10. Include an end rhyme.

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