A mother does what a mother does to survive.

A father does what a father

is  permitted to do by the other side.


I left you a part of my life

in trust and confidence

to guard and protect.


To insure I survive,

and hope will be kept alive

from the onslaught of the Crown’s unholy crimes.


But you dished out your screaming love

in defiance of the holy one above,

and all was gone in an instant before dawn.


You rapture the fragments of my life,

without a moment’s notice.

All the bits and bytes

of my living flesh evaporated in the twinkling of an eye.


And now I just want to die,

because of the overwhelming pain

it is senseless to cry,

and pin the blame for impossible gains.


All that is me,

and all that I will ever be

went up in vengeance raging flames.


Exploding in a puff of void smoke

then falling into forever gone,

in ‘def null’ @ ‘dot com.’


While leaving me bleeding

with a world of pain,

and no umbrella in ‘The Legal Bullies’ malicious rain.


I Journeyed a thousand miles far and wide

in parental unconditional love.

Just to see my beloved heavenly doves.


With broken feet,

and the pedatory sun

encroaching with every painful step

upon my brow with unbreakable heat.


but no one offered me a hug

nor a cup of forgotten love.

Not even a bite to tame my hunger's kiss

or a drink to sooth my stinging lips.


Your mother sent me on my way

in the loving embrace

of blue shirts carry fully loaded metal purse

as though I was a curse.


But it’s ok.

I love you all anyway.

Now and forever,

even up to this very day.


Legal Poet


Wayne Ferron . All rights reserved @copyright

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