The Judicial system is a changing force.
It moves and shapes society into development.

binding it into stagnation,
degrading it into an offensive system.

There is no litigation.
There is no application of legal logic.
There is no proof of merits on a balance of probabilities.

Indeed, this is a fallacy!
The evolution of our society is stagnant.
The well-being of our community held hostage.

The politicians,
the snake oil peddlers have ram sack the law houses.
This is a well oiled machine,
a “Legal Practice” tag team.

A skilled predator,
beguiling its prey with “presumption of innocence.”
Luring their victims into secret slaughter houses.

Capturing the innocent accuse with their deceptive web,
bashing in there face in hidden legal caves.
Inducing a cancerous tumour

into the bonds which binds the people.

Causing the collective,

to devour its members in a cannibalistic orgy.

The skilled debaters are cast aside,
supplanted and replaced


by those who fair open debate;
in open court,
in-front of an open minded tribunal.

To supplement their lack of skill

on the court room floor,
in playing politics.
To play legal football

with the courts consciousness
while ravaging the public purse.

Many legal sins are committed in amoral closets.
Important cases are disembowelled in the dark back rooms.
Necessary matters to develop society are aborted and killed.

Yes, they are murdered in their infancy!
Stagnating necessary social evolution.
Exterminating required community development.

Yet they call themselves Gate Keepers,
protector of the public good.
Lovers of land and country.

They expect in their madness, 
the love of the living entity we call society.

In their insanity,
they greet a caged wife as spouse.


Stop abusing her!
Cease and desist from raping her.

Release your strangling death grip

from her fragile pretty neck!

Stop pulling on her broken arm!
Stop kicking her life engorged belly!


You barter allegiance with legal mysticism,
binding your prey with exclusion and confusion.

With unbridled delusion,
you beg for her confidence.
You beg for her love.
You demand her trust.

You burgle her innocence
to rule your stolen domain.

Satisfying a sick pleasure,
squeezing the blood from your dominions

with “unclean hands.”
You forcefully kiss her
and ask her not to tell.

Without any consideration,
we are herded towards a POLICE STATE.

If the guards are killed and the cage is open,
what is to stop the lion from walking out?


Leegal Poet

Wayne  Ferron

Wayne Ferron.All rights reserved @ copyright