As I had to explain to someone...
I support my nation, no matter what.
Unfortunately it's not the nation you
That one is only a small part of mine.
When say I "my" not , because I rule it or own, but
Because I'm apart of it, in partnership with, because I vaule it's democracy.
My nation is bless, despite it's Destructive tendencies, hollow words
And painted face.
Truth is I need it, the world needs it,
Because my nation has potential to
Heal it, protect it, love it and most of
All lead it to it's most gracious future.
My nation is made up of the unexpected, the artist, the hidden truths , the survivors and most of all. Most important you, us .. All of us
My nation that will heal what is felt
Of the "humanity" which is left in
This so-called "human race".