the swan in my throat has
shut up for the winter
she doesn’t like the cold
so she won’t sing for me anymore
when you left
she went with you
waddling her way through the snow
wishing for your snack-on-tongue
wishing for your crystal clear lake love
stop telling me this is all for the best
stop dragging me through ghetto avenues
when i want freedom
tired eyes to go away without drops
[even though i love you]
we’re not there for each other
because we’re dreaming our own dreams
[living our own lies]
and not willing to lose control
i am a controlling dungeon
like the nanny looking after
the spoiled child
that is not her own
she does not care but that she gets paid
you are too free-spirited
galloping ill-willed
to ever be tamed
why must we try to possess
what we can never truly call our own
there is too much of you guarded by your armor
you will never give the last piece away to a swan
rather you will always save scraps for your lock-box
so you can convince your soul
that it has lost nothing
should this chain ever become rusted
you could always walk away
without missing
a link