
Academic souls hover pass us 

like a pair of unwanted tomb stones

on school grounds.

My eyes wandered elsewhere 

nervously unabled to meet hers.

And my hands, pocket bounded by the undecided mind

that cannot choose the gesture of its puppets.

My anxious, dry lips unable to utter words

until my tounge clicked.


"Do you have a prom date?"


I asked with a bit of a sigh.

My heart relieved to have finally said

the words in my subconscious 

collected cobwebs.

A feeling like that of an unopened cage 

housing a thousand different crest of birds

and then all at once, releasing them.

As they fluttered up, they fill the sky 

like spilled white paint on black canvas.


Her eyes finally met mine as she uttered the words



Like a dying man's moment,

a life with her

being my girlfriend, to becoming my wife

flashed before me.

I smiled, ready to ask her to become 

my prom pageant princess.

But then she turned around and quickly walked away.

Quicker than you can flip a coin.


I never talked to her again.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just rabble

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