Rise of a Great Nation

This marks the rise of a great nation,
Sisters, you havest the best of a creation
With hope, strength, and determination,
So we can further educate our new generation.

There's power in being Black,
So much that we no longer hold back;
I tried before-
And nearly caught an anxiety attack;
How I could just relax and kick back,
When my race is under attack,
Because we were brainwashed way back?
The fathers and mothers had a dream
To at least be on the same team
As the deceptive, cunning one of the scheme.
He thought we had no soul,
So why would we had no soul?
Back then, we whispered in a lower range;
Now, we must scream,
Because sisters still get raped and tossed in a stream,
While brothers are killed and burned crisp under steam.
We must come collectively as one,
Unified, no matter what Edom has done;
I'll fight for you, with you, and by you
But we cannot win unless you try too.

This marks the rise of great nation,
Brother watch a seed's growth for domination
With discipline, wisdom, and information,
We can then educate our new generation.

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