This Lonliness of Mine...

Wow, this sucks. It just really does.

And i'm hating this silence..

how there's only a soft constant whir..

not a voice to be heard

while only shadows play

in their darkened corners..

and only the click click

of keys being rapidly keyed..

can be heard

Driving me crazy...

staring at white empty walls..

not a friend in site,

nor a voice but my own..

It sucks. It just really does.

When there's nobody there,

not anywhere near..

not close by, not there, not here...

no one... just complete and utter nothingness..

myself.... the dog, the cat,

and all they do is sleep...

but they never speak...

I miss the sound of voices other than mine

even if they are words so assinine

that it doesn't even matter

or make any sense..

so long as they're talking..

to chase away all this silence

But there's no one, not you, nor him

just me alone, me here, unhappy, and grim...

So tell me, doesn't it suck

to be all alone,

you there alone, with no one home?

Lost in the silence so deep, so thick..

that it drives you crazy...

that it makes you so sick..

It sucks, it just does, don't you agree?

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