....the inner dialogue never stops



...the inner dialogue never stops


there in that space where I covet it all
you, me, our dream and all we could be
I have held on to it all for so long
and so tight my fingers bled
but I didn’t mind
because I can’t remember a time
when you didn’t hold the whole of my heart
within the gentle of your soul


but today as I wake up
....without you again
I wonder why things are the way they are
why you are there and I am here
and as fears fall guised as warm tears
from tired, questioning eyes
I place our shared moments
on the altar of life’s mercy
letting go of all I have held so tightly to
desperately trying to trust
if I do let go, that dreams still can
and will come true


boxing up all the years of my life
looking towards a faraway horizon
one that I always thought you’d share
somehow summoning the courage
to keep packing, to keep moving forward
when all I want to do is
fall to the ground and cry
hoping this isn’t really good-bye
telling myself if it’s meant to be
someday....you’ll find me


but fate and destiny
have betrayed me before
....the inner dialogue never stops
when it comes to you....
“Unwritten” is playing on the radio
so I am turning up the music
and singing along
letting go of all I know
looking towards a future
I can’t really see, all I know
is it beckons me....relentlessly
and all I can do is heed the call
....with or without you



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