Ode to Kirby


Ode to Kirby


August slips away
flushing me melancholy
ever reminding me
another 43,829 minutes has passed
since last I saw your face
time is unyielding


and I’ve become
just one of those who linger behind
to ponder all things seen and not


longing to reunite yet afraid
there is nothing beyond
a shimmering pretense
of the other side


left with only memories
that days slowly steal away


living, breathing molds of you
by voice, seem the same
but are so very different


making letting you go
even harder


mentally rearranging the circle
ashes to ashes - dust to dust
bone to bone - flesh to flesh
over and over again


but nothing ever changes
but the amount of time
that passes since
I last saw your face


© LadyRaine

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