Wishing For Rain


Wishing For Rain


sleepless nights fade into reflective mornings
and I find myself there
gazing out of winter windows
searching dark horizons
for a glimpse of the rain
that teases my senses with hope
the aroma of things yet to come
lingers heavy upon the sill
and yet if feel no comfort
in the possibility

as dawn stretches and wakes
I slowly begin to realize
her presence is much more demanding
that I could have ever imagined
an overwhelming beauty that majestically
takes hold of everything she touches
turning hearts inside out
changing lives forever
writing and rewriting destiny
ah, such power she does wield

I find myself cringing as I watch the stars
disappear one by one
behind the brilliance of her hues
a faint light of what they use to be
lingering in wait somewhere
on the other side of today
praying for the birth of a whispered dream
to illuminate their presence
so they can be seen shining
within her beauty

but not all stars shine brightly
and not all dreams get dreamt
in that place beyond the slow
tick of time-where dreams die
and broken hearts stay broken
the colors of dawn are just a faint memory
and the stars that fade are soon forgotten

beyond the hush of day
there 'neath radiating skyscapes
I ponder what this revelation
truly means to me-
I'm not a star that shines so bright
I'm not dawn who swallows night
I'm but a girl
standing in a window
beneath fading starlight
wishing it would rain


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