Humanity's Consequence



Humanity's Consequence


and so we find ourselves here
sooner than we ever expected to be in that moment

looking out towards a tomorrow
that may never come
helplessly starring into
the end of all things

eyes wide open and
mouths hanging agape
as we desperately try
to wrap our minds around the totality

...of what we have done

the ground below thunders and quakes
as plates shift nervously
tears fall from unbelieving eyes
as day turns to night
and all the stars fall shattered
from a broken sky

concrete and asphalt shake and crack
splintering as if it were great lakes
at the beginning of a spring thaw
slivers finger out in every direction
as our very infrastructure
growls and moans in protest

dirt foundations tear from the depths within
trembling and gaping wide beneath each rip
as Mother Earth's blood begins to spew
from all the wounds piercing her core
every hurt from each moment come and gone
pours crimson thick into today

Mother Nature begins to let go
soaking dust encrusted landscapes
with the innocent tears of her betrayal

and all we can do is stand here
watching in complete horror
as we begin to realize
she's not given up on herself

…but on us

she's given up on humanity
ever having a conscience
all her hope has faded
that we will ever
right all of the wrongs

and each and every one of us
drowning in the tears of this dying world
knows in their hearts
that this in nothing less
than exactly what we deserve

we were given all
that we could ever want
…or need
but we claimed as a birthright
ours to do with what we pleased

we were never satisfied
even with earth's unconditional sacrifice
we still thought we were right
our arrogance was our downfall

so here beneath a crumbling moon
we have no choice
but to accept our fate
and hope upon hope
that someday....somewhere
the universe will forgive us our sins

...and give the human race
the legacy of existence
once again

© LadyRaine

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