Jude, Whispers and other Stepping Stones



Jude, Whispers and other Stepping Stones


just like Jack and Jill
our steps are surely unsteady
our path is definitely unsure
but the overwhelming urge to walk
moves our stumbling feet anyway

so why then is that hill
so hard to climb?

across the pages of time
great sacrifice and bravery
has been invoked in the hearts
of men and women alike
in the noble name of love

yet in the small little world of
…just a Woman
simple words become
more than a hill
but a mountain that
seems too majestic and vast
to even consider climbing

but sanity is found
in hope filled nights,
the scent of pine drifting familiar
upon brisk fall breezes and
the tender of
Deveraux kindled dreams

where the flux of the moment
fades to shades of summer days
blowing gentle within whispers ache
….heart to soul
steadying weakening knees
and strengthening each step
we long to take

© LadyRaine

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