Mid-Life Revelation



Mid-Life Revelation


I read the words
he put before my eyes
slowly, carefully
approaching them awake
as I did not want to miss
a syllable or an intent

….the words seemed
to mean so much to him

but mid-sentence
in the very first line
my heart began to beat harder
my breath held indefinite as I realized
these words were not his alone
they belonged to every soul
and every mind that has known time
….and even those who haven’t

I hungrily consumed
each thought-each truth
soon understanding that they were
already mine as well
they had been carved
upon the walls of my soul and
had been the origin of my heartbeat
….since the beginning

and all I had to do was look inward
….see me real
to know how much
they really meant to me too
and to understand just how lost
I had let myself become
within the not knowing

and then I remembered
how I stood beneath
the glow of a sanguine moon
forging my absolutes
across glistering skies
breaking the still of night
as I sang from my core
declaring the truth of me,
….to me and for me
finding solace in the knowing
I am still here
not lost but found
within the salvation
of the Proclamation
of -Me-


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