
Grown people with no home training, No manners. acting like they are the center of attention.

Trying to push themselves over you when you say end of discussion. 


It is to the point where Im about to say you are no longer welcome in my life or house.

you no longer are allowed space in my head.

You are an entitled spoiled brat and Im no longer putting up with it.


No you will not have access to me or my child.

No you will no longer come around me.

No your opinions will no longer be tolerated.

No I am not going to let you run over me.

It wasnt the other people it was you all along.



Im done. You run over your fiance like everything because you can.

it even appears like you are cheating on him.



I've had enough and I am calling out your evil. 

You don't control my life and you don't control me.

I don't know who you think you are but I am not the one.

I am even about to thepoint where I am looking into changing insurances because if that is how your mother raised youtyhen I want nothing to do

with your family. 




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Grown ass 40 year that acts like an entitled princess and plays lke she is the only person right and no one else can have an opinion. I've been in war. I've served my country. I will not bow down or cower to someone or anyone who doesnt reeally have aclue!!!!

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