Just like all the other exes

One of my ex boyfriends with whom I thought I was good friends with.

Said he was going to either cash app me on yesterday or come over this morning

and help me out financially. I had plasns to pay him back before mid September.

However all yesterday and today completely blown off.

Just like all the other exes.

I dont have his phone number anymore because messenger wont let me go back that far,

plus I think my phone may have lost it or blocked it because didnt recognize it.

I keep sending messages on messenger to no avail that he keeps receiving but no response.

People tell me to trust God and not trust man. I see why now  because pretty much every relationship I have

been in has let me down some sort of way.

Either by not breaking up with me officially or just treating me like dirt or letting their family control our relationship

The only one that hasnt been that way is my current relationship and he cant help me because he doesnt have it and is struggling himself.

im so tired of trusting people and they dont come through for me. 

I even went as far as saying are you okay? did something change? let me know. yet no response. 

im done. im done helping people out. im done putting my life on hold for others. im just done.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

tired of being taken advantage of and lied to by both men and women who have said they loved me at some point in my life

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