I am the Dragon

Dragon Poems

I am the dragon that watches over this fourm.

I will not leave it again

I will watch and help when needed

But I will also help if you pm me

I am your dragon

Talk to me

Tell me what hurts you.

Tell me with a warning

Tell me with the icons so I know how to help you

Tell me what I need to do

Tell me if something is buggin you

Tell me if someone is buggin you

Tell me if I need to do something you need to be done

Also treat me as a freind for that is what the good doc did

I am here for you

I am there for you

I will always be the one you can count on

I love each and all whom post on this

I will never stop

Just ask, some of the older memebers and they will tell

I am a good DRAGON

I am a good person to whom you can call on when needed

I love you all.

I hope you all will remember that when posting

I hope you all will feel free to post when needed

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I worte this as a way to let others know I am there for them.. No matter what

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