

(American 767)

Dragonflies are odonata

they have close large eyes

bigger than the damselflies

Have slender bodies two wings

Variety numerous

they eat other small insects

Attack small fish and tadpoles

eat mosquitos and midges

they live in diverse biotope

Some are found in ponds and swamps

Prefer to live in wetlands

Some live in lakes acidic bogs

Male grasps the head of female

Sperm transfer fertilizes eggs

Some female lays eggs alone

Eggs dropped in aquatic plants

or directly in water

Some larvas stage in ponds marshes

When ready to change into adult

They climb out of the water

Shed skin become dragonfly

Dragonflies are unique insects

Colorful beautiful

Adults can live up to two months

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


October 20,2009

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