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JML Sigs
~God's Gifts~
No cause to dread the future
He'll always be with me
To give me strength enough to survive
Over mountains I must to climb
When everything seems so dark
I can't see the light
For the road ahead is dready
Across life's burning sands
He'll lead me safe and sound
Over deep waters I have to wade
He'll be my sweet refuge from
All the rains and bitter storms
When I am cold,hungry or lost
He takes my hand and heart in His
To keep them strong and warm to endure what
Lies ahead as I earn my daily bread
When I am in life so tired and weary
At the dawning of a new born day
He guides me through peaceful valleys
And takes away my hurts and pains
He's my father and my best buddy
Nobody can replace Him or take His place
Thank you Lord for being always here
And for loving me so much no matter what
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000