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~In Everything Give Thanks To Him~

We should  thank  God not just in Thanksgiving Day

But everyday of our lives, because He deserves it you see,

Some people say that they love and believe in God and Jesus,

But my God, they don’t  do the Christian walk in any thing they do under the sky

Jesus will walk with you anytime you get on your knees and ask Him

Learn to thank Him for everything in your life whereas be good or bad,

Let us bring God to our dinner table day and night  of the whole year

Crown Him with glory and praises,and always worship,His Mighty name so dear!

Some people just thank the Lord when everything is running smooth and fine,

When  their lives only goes according to their plans and things around them glitter and shine;

It should remind us not to thank the Lord just during  Thanksgiving Day or any special occassion or holiday,

Let’s not thank Him just on  any plentiful holiday or just over this Thanksgiving meal we're ready to dine

Most people take God for granted for most of the time and every season that goes by,

Start thanking God before you eat, before you sleep and  when you awake and see the sun shining,over the sky!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000



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