
~Sigs by Dale~

~Happy St Patrick's Day~

(An Acrostic poem)

H-ave a wonderful time today

A-fter all this's St. Patrick's Day!

V-enture in for all that's worth

E-xtending all your  blessed  love

A-fter all this's St. Patrick's Day

H-ugs and greetings to you I send

A-fter all this's a very special day

P-ouring  some beer and wine and

P-leasing others with some joyous rhymes

Y-ou can celebrate it all by cheerful dancing

S-howing to all a very good time

T-hroughout  this very special day

P-ore to all your best smile

A-nd cheer  and celebrate till the day is done

T-urn the clover leaf and dance!

R-esting assured that your friends are glad

I-nterchanging hugs and laughs

C-reating all kind of good stuff

K-ept along for you and I

S-timulating  good times and laugh

D-uring all this time today we enjoy

A-fter all this's St. Patrick's Day, my friend

Y-ou and I, let's celebrate it and all its blessings as well!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000



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