" FancyLadyRider Sig's "

" Delilah's Design's "

Copyrighted © Design

~A Beacon Of Light~

In happiness to the happiest on earth,

More welcome notes to weary hands;

The sun came dazzling through the leaves,

Breaking the silent of the autumn's breeze

By waking sense or by the dreaming soul,

Sinking far into rapturous splendor,love

Eternally without any end.

The ghost of a garden, red roses,fronts the sea.

And death came in silent and touched your

Forehead so cold

And there stood the rider distorted and pale,'round

The mids,

Mute, looking at the grave in which you lie to rest,

Doomed to go alone, accompanied with all your pain.

Say no that death should be feared, this is just the

Start of a new life, indeed,

Through which, there shines a beacon of light,

Filling all the sky and then the earth below,with its

Feeling of shelter and also why not, unrest.

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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