A long time ago a King left His kingdom and His throne
To pay what could be paid only by Him, and just Him alone,
A Mighty Lord who was willing to die for yours and my sins,
And make us all brand-new again when we invite Him in
Knowing full well the rewards of His salvation plan
Help us remember that we are all held in God's own hand,
One day when we arrive to Heaven, what's it first we'll see?
But Jesus, with arms opened wide as happy to greet you, and me!
I am but a sinner, who's now living by His blessed grace,
Washed clean by the Blood of my Lord Jesus, who died in my place,
By surrendering everything I have to God, each and every day,
I can be certain for sure, I'll not be that easily led astray!
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000