
SultryRose's Signatures


(children's poem)

When somebody looks for him,

they find that he's never there,

He's the kid that people rarely see,

Emptied, in the classroom they find his chair

When the teachers run the list of names,

They call out of course for Brent,

But Absent Brent he's always full of games,

He just came and then just went!

Who knows! to someplace no one knows!

So they miss him all the time,

So often he's in the come and go,

Or he wasn't there just in time!

When he's at home his parents call him,

but Brent he's someplace else,

He's either fighting with big Jim,

Or bullying and scarying little Kim.

He hides anywhere and everywhere,

But of his own shadow he's so scared.

So he goes to his very secret place,

And prays nobody will find him there!!!


Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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