Somehow you're so keen to know

When something good from love will flow...

With great expectations you open a tad the door

And she's there! carrying all the gifts that for you she always bore!

She whispers in your ear to open them all, one by one,

Carefully, lovingly, you make them all your very own...

With secrets she's kept hidden from you for... so long,

Approaches then your heart singing you a lullaby song!

Visions of her love sometimes everywhere you see,

Within you making light wings fly again free...

Love awakens with a passion to all the beauty of its light,

Rebirthing in your life always by you day and night!!!

Stirring within you a new set of rainbow-emotions,

Taking you along for good or bad where you already have gone!!!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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